BCA Support - Digital

Bradford Care Association is helping local care providers to evaluate and improve their data and cyber security. As a care provider, you know how important it is to have access to good information about the people you support and your staff. In order to store and share that information safely, you need to be confident that your paper and digital records are secure.

Data Security & Protection Toolkit (DSPT)

Free local support for care providers on data and cyber security.

We have been awarded a grant to support local care providers on their data security journey as part of the national Better Security, Better Care programme.

The programme will help you to evaluate and improve your data and cyber security. This means you can reassure the people you support and their families, your staff, commissioners, regulators, and health and care partners, that you are following good practice – and meeting legal and regulatory requirements.

The DSPT is an extremely useful tool because it covers many areas of GDPR compliance that you as a Care Provider are required to implement, such as having up to date policies and ICO registration, ensuring you are operating within the law.

  • It is a contractual requirement with ICB's and Local Authorities.
  • It is looked upon favourably by CQC (KLoE 2.8 Well Led).
  • It can protect you from cyber attacks

It is likely to become mandatory in the future so it is worth doing now to get used to its requirements.

“CQC will increasingly expect a good provider to comply with the Data Security and Protection Toolkit or equivalent, as a minimum. This also applies where you use a combination of digital and paper record systems.” Mark Sutton, CQC’s Chief Digital & Data Officer

Our main focus is to help you to understand the importance of data and cyber security, and complete an annual, online self-assessment using the national Security and protection Toolkit (DSPT). Email ami@bradfordcareassociation.org

Digital Social Care Records (DSCR)

Digital Transformation Grants of up to £7,000 are available to support care providers in Bradford District & Craven to transfer to Digital Social Care Records.

The Bradford Care Association (BCA) is leading in engaging and supporting care providers in Bradford & Craven to implement Digital Social Care Record (DSCR) systems/care planning software.

A Digital Social Care Record (DSCR) allows the digital recording of care information and care received by an individual, within a social care setting, replacing traditional paper record care plans.DSCRs are person-centred and enable data to be shared securely and in real-time with authorised individuals across your organisation.

Under the digital social care record grant, there is funding up to £7,000 for the purchase of systems and devices, set up costs, initial staff training, data input from paper records into the system and potentially minor infrastructure upgrades needed to host the new system.

CQC recognises the power of digitisation in achieving good outcomes for people who draw on care. CQC have stated that it will become increasingly difficult for providers to maintain an outstanding or good rating without having an effective and safe digital social care record solution in place to enable better outcomes for people. With the new CQC single assessment framework’s emphasis on person-centred care and sustainability, it’s the right time to make the most of the support and help available to progress from paper-based care plans to DSCRs.

DEADLINES APPROACHING - Providers must register their interest in applying for the funding with BCA, and have commenced obtaining quotes from assured suppliers by Thursday 28th November! Funding is available until the end of March 2025 and completed applications must be recieved no later than Friday 28th February 2025

Email ami@bradfordcareassociation.org for more information and to formally apply.

The Business Resilience Centre - For the North East, Yorkshire & The Humber

The Business Resilience Centre, a non-profit organisation led by the police, aims to assist businesses in safeguarding themselves against cybercrime and online fraud. The centre has strong connections with the seven police forces in the region, as well as Northumbria and Sheffield Hallam Universities. They hire undergraduate and postgraduate students studying cyber security to work with the businesses they support.

The centre understands the significance of educating small businesses about the risks associated with cyber security in today's technological world. Technology provides various advantages to businesses, such as improved organisation, efficiency, and effectiveness. It also aids many SMEs in communication management, file storage, and accessing finance.

However, this reliance on technology also brings numerous risks, including cyber attacks and data privacy breaches. Recent statistics from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) reveal that within the past year, 32% of businesses and 24% of charities have encountered cyber security breaches.BCA Members can avail discounted rates, along with several free benefits.

The centre prides itself on providing free and affordable services to businesses of all sizes and sectors in the North East, Yorkshire, and The Humber regions. They also share valuable news from their trusted network. Their services include free Core Membership, security training and testing, and access to advanced cyber security services.

The BCA are working closely with The Business Resilience Centre to help keep businesses safe from cyber attacks and data breaches. Email admin@bradfordcareassociation.org to find out more.

System Partners

The Care Workers' CharityCare Association Alliance Yorkshire & the HumberDigital Social CareSkills for CareBradford District and Craven Health and Care PartnershipCity of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.